Ergo Handle Wheel Chocks 

Ergonomically designed to make it easy to move wheel chocks in and out of position under trailer wheels. Reduce the risk of back, knee, and foot injuries. Handle is constructed of steel and includes a yellow baked-in powder-coated toughness. Assembly required.

wheel chock handle
wheel chock handle
wheel chock handle
Ergonomic Handle Wheel Chocks
Model (V) Description      Dimensions
(W x H x D)
RWC-8-ERGO Molded Rubber Chock with ergonomic-style handle 9-1/4″x 36-9/16″ (w/ handle) x 8″ 16
ORWC-8-ERGO Orange Molded Rubber Chock with ergonomic-style handle 12“x38-1/2″(w/handle) x7-5/8” 11
LWC-14M-ERGO Laminated Rubber 10-1/8” x 34-15/16” (w/handle) x 20-13/16” 24
FAB-10-ERGO Fabricated Steel 9-13/16” x 37-15/16”(with handle) x 9-15/16” 17
FAB-11-ERGO Fabricated Steel 8” x 40”(with handle) x 11-3/4” 13